Simply Stogies Podcast

Hosted ByJames Giehm

A cigar journey.

Episode 62: Chatting with Dan from the Cigar Saver

Small Batch Cigar

While at the PCA 2021 Trade Show, I sit down with Dan from the Cigar Saver. The Cigar Saver is a product that, well, saves your cigar. When you find it necessary to step away from your lit cigar, the Cigar Saver allows you to quickly put it out, saving your cigar to be easily re-lit when you can come back to it. Dan walks us through the process of creating the new cigar accessory, some of the difficulties and challenges of getting it manufactured, and verifying the proof of concept. We discuss Dan’s cigar journey and find out when they hope to launch this new product.


Visit the Cigar Saver website!