Simply Stogies Podcast

Small Batch Cigar

Simply Stogies is a podcast for the cigar enthusiast and the veteran cigar aficionado. Join James on his journey through the world of cigars as he covers a variety of topics that are important to cigar smokers. Cigar and cigar accessory reviews, cigar news, reviews with those in the cigar industry, and discussions about all things premium cigars are all on the dockett.  Sit back, relax, light up a stogie, and enjoy the show.

Episode 42: Stolen Throne Oath Taker Review and Celebration Cigars

I go through my review of the Stolen Throne Oath Taker, a Cigar Federation exclusive offering from Stolen Throne. I tell you why it scored what it did and where I believe the fault lies. Then, with the holiday season upon us, I cover what celebratory cigars are to me, and what I’m planning on...

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Episode 41: A Chat with Diana Hutton of Perfect Ash

I sit down with the Diana Hutton, the owner of Perfect Ash in Inver Grove Heights, MN. We discuss how an attorney from Mexico City winds up in Minnesota and then becomes the only Latina sole-owner of a cigar lounge in the state (and possibly the country). Diana opens up about what it took to...

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Episode 40: Catching-Up with Lee Marsh of Stolen Throne

James catches up with one of the founders and blenders of Stolen Throne Cigars, Lee Marsh. The pair discuss how Stolen Throne has handled the pandemic, their new releases (Call to Arms, Argos, and Oath Takers), what makes boutique cigars boutique, and much more! Check out Stolen Throne’s Facebook page  Visit Stolen Thone on Instagram ...

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Episode 39: A Revisit with Capital Cigar Lounge in Lincoln, NE

I sit down and catch-up with co-owner Tony Goins, and humidor coach Jeff Fry. We discuss their response to COVID-19 and how it has impacted their business. Jeff and I talk about the changes in their stock, their approach to customers, and how they treat their employees and customers like family. I also got the...

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Episode 38: Jeff and Mari Doll of Safari Cigars & Lounge

James sits down with the owners of Safari Cigars & Lounge, Jeff and Mari Doll. They discuss lounge etiquette, the impact that small business has on the local economy, how they got into the industry, and much more. This is a great interview with a couple of genuine, and down-to-earth entrepreneurs. Safari Cigars and Lounge...

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Episode 37: FDA News and Cuban Cigar Retailers

I am finally back in my studio with power and internet! Thank you for your patience during my forced hiatus! I talk about the victory the cigar industry had over the FDA in court, what it means to small businesses and the industry at-large. I also give my opinion on where the next legal battles...

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Episode 36: A Discussion About Cuban Cigars

First, allow me to apologize to my listeners who may not follow me on social media. Where I live was hit hard by a derecho on August 10. I lost power until August 20 and I lost internet until August 30. For more information, check out the latest episode of Simply Stogies Podcast Presents: Cigars...

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Episode 35: Project E Gran Ola Review

I give you my review of the Epic Cigars limited edition Project E Gran Ola. You can follow along with my review here. I also go over our new Statement of Ethics and why it’s important to our staff and to our fans. You can get your own Simply Stogies Podcast SWAG here!

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