Simply Stogies

Episode 97: The Smooth Draws Reunion

Nick and James are pleased to present the Smooth Draws Reunion Show. Nick welcomes part of the old Smooth Draws crew back: Chad “the Hangman” Potiers, Valerie Bradshaw, and William “Cigar Coop” Cooper. We find out how they started with the Smooth Draws radio show, some of what they did during their time with show,…

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Pipe Tobacco Review: Sutliff J4

With a less than inspiring name like ‘J4’ you can safely assume that Sutliff had little intention of selling this directly to the public when they added it to their catalogue. Instead, J4, like much of Sutliff bulk tobacco, was marketed as a blending tobacco. Or possibly something a Brick and Mortar retailer would repackage…

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Cigar Review: Cavalry Edition As de Oro by Casa 1910

Passion. This word describes the very best the cigar industry has to offer. Passion for the leaf. Passion for family. Passion for country. Casa 1910 is no different. A newcomer to the industry, Casa 1910 is passionate about more than just making cigars, they are passionate about making Mexican cigars. That passion is evident in…

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Episode 96: Island Jim

James and Nick welcome Island Jim to the first video show. Jim talks about how he got started in the business and his humble beginnings. We ask him about the industry, boutique cigars, and much more!   You can now WATCH Simply Stogies Podcast on YouTube or Rumble!

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Cigar Review: Molotov by Dissident Cigars

Dissident Cigars was not a brand that was ever on my radar. It wasn’t a brand that I saw in a lot of shops. From everything that I had heard, Dissident did not have the best relationship with retailers…until December of 2021 when Josh and Cynn Coburn announced that they had purchased Dissident Cigars. I…

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Cigar Review: Las Calaveras Edición Limitada 2022 by Crowned Heads

As another year passes, the cigar community is treated to yet another limited edition cigar from Crowned Heads. The first cigar I had from the series was in 2018 and since then it has generated cult following among fans. While there are some good regular production choices, the limited edition lines always seem to outshine…

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Episode 95: Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 & Cigar Media

Nick and James tackle Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 of 2022. Is it pay to play? Was choosing a Cuban cigar a slap in the face to the non-Cuban (New World) cigar industry? Is it fair to keep out “boutique” cigar brands from their review process? Does James just like to rant? We give our opinions…

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S.T. Dupont Le Grand Cling (Initial Review)

For me, S.T. Dupont has been a captivating manufacturer of fine cigar accessories since I began my journey into the cigar rabbit hole. I owned and used everything from BIC, Djeep, Xikar and many others, but there has always been a certain itch that none of the other brands have been able to scratch. Whether…

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Cigar Review: Highclere Castle Senetjer by Foundation Cigars

“At last we have made wonderful discovery in Valley; a magnificent tomb with seals intact; re-covered same for your arrival; congratulations,” read the telegram from Howard Carter to his patron, the 5th Earl of Carnarvon. Thus, the world changed in 1922. After never fully recovering from injuries sustained in a car accident in 1903, Lord…

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Episode 94: Top 5 Cigars of 2022 and a Look Back

I give you a look back at 2022 and share my Top 5 Cigars of 2022.     YouTube Rumble Janus Coffee Roasters

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