
Episode 46: Cigar Aficionado and Short Cigars

I give you my shortened opinion on the Cigar Aficionado Top 25 of 2020 list, why I think it is not a true list of the top cigars of 2020, and why we do not have advertisers or sponsors for the show and website. I then give you my list of Top 10 short cigars…

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Pipe Tobacco Review: ‘Corn Cob Pipe and a Button Nose’ Has Terrific Packaging But Awful Flavor

For his sixth review at Michael goes over a holiday themed blend, C&D’s Corncob Pipe and Button Nose. Originally released just for the 2016 season, it found such a good reception that it has now become a perennial blend. Michael gives an overview of the tobacco, describes the leaf quality and moisture, waxes lyrical…

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Pipe Tobacco Review: Lane HGL Is an Aromatic Blend With a Small Sweet Spot

For his fifth review at Michael goes over a classic crossover blend, also known as Aromatic-English, Lane HGL. A crossover blend is part aromatic, part English mixture, perfect for someone who loves the smoky-leather notes but wants to keep their friends around while they enjoy their pipe. These can be an easy introduction into…

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Why Cigar Lounges Are Useful During the COVID-19 Pandemic

First, I want to be very clear: I am not a doctor, epidemiologist, or expert whose advice or views should be followed. Ever. I can only speak for myself, and what is right for my family. Second, it is imperative that you follow all local and state mandates regarding social distancing and masks. Period. End…

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Pipe Tobacco Review: McClelland Frog Morton Is a Rich, Flavorful Smoke

In his fourth review for Simply Stogies, Michael reviews McClelland’s Frog Morton. Sadly, like all of McClelland’s blends, this has been discontinued. However, the original Frog Morton, also known as ‘Frog on a log’ due to the tin art is among the most accessible of the McClelland tins in the pipe tobacco consignment market, likely…

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Episode 41: A Chat with Diana Hutton of Perfect Ash

I sit down with the Diana Hutton, the owner of Perfect Ash in Inver Grove Heights, MN. We discuss how an attorney from Mexico City winds up in Minnesota and then becomes the only Latina sole-owner of a cigar lounge in the state (and possibly the country). Diana opens up about what it took to…

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Cigars and Coffee Episode 7: The CRA and Getting Involved

James and Tim visit Habano Cigar Lounge (432 E 4th St, Davenport, IA), their other home lounge, and discuss a couple of topics important to the cigar community. The first is the importance of the CRA, how to get involved, and what it means to become a CRA Ambassador. The second is women in the…

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Episode 39: A Revisit with Capital Cigar Lounge in Lincoln, NE

I sit down and catch-up with co-owner Tony Goins, and humidor coach Jeff Fry. We discuss their response to COVID-19 and how it has impacted their business. Jeff and I talk about the changes in their stock, their approach to customers, and how they treat their employees and customers like family. I also got the…

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Pipe Tobacco Review: Wessex Gold Slice

Wessex Gold Slice is the subject of Michael’s third pipe tobacco review on Gold Slice is a straight Virginia flake with no discernable or advertised added flavoring. Like most straight Virginias, this Flake is designed for the experienced pipe smoker, requiring a mature palate to fully appreciate the nuances, and the mechanical expertise to…

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Peterson University Flake Pipe Tobacco Review

INTRODUCTION In this pipe tobacco review, we’ll be reviewing Peterson University Flake. This a classic tobacco blend of Virginia and Burley, treated with a famed plum topping, pressed into a plug, then sliced into neat, attractive, flakes. Intriguingly, University Flake is a deeply aromatic pipe tobacco but based upon high quality leaf instead of flavorless…

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